Monday, March 31

Another day, more news

So, my peeps. Here is where we stand.

1. Still considering G-town. Waiting for financial aid info.
2. Still considering WUSTL. Have email scholly offer, waiting for letter.
3. Waitlisted at UMich - Staying on it.
4. Waitlisted at Columbia - Staying on it.
5. Withdrew from my Notre Dame waitlist. (would only go with money.)
6. Withdrew from my William and Mary waitlist. (ditto)
7. Withdrew from the Pennsylvania waitlist. (would rather go to Mich, so why stay on both?)
8. Withdrew from consideration at Minnesota - Was deferred. If I was deferred, they probably weren't going to throw any coins my way, so no dice.
9. Rejected at Berkeley
10. Rejected at UW

Well, that's all for now! It's a lot to handle I know!
(and if I ever forget anything, you can check me out here: )

Wednesday, March 26

When last we spoke...

So, news this week!
1. Waitlisted at William and Mary. Will most likely withdraw.
2. Rejected at Berkeley. Expected.
3. Money from WUSTL! This one is exciting, but throws a wrench in the Georgetown gears I had grinding. Take it, leave it? I don't know.
4. Rejected at UW. That hurt. It really did.

Sunday, March 23

The latest

So I was put on the waitlist at Penn. I consider this an accomplishment, since I was expecting to get outright rejected. I'll probably stay on it, but if they don't take me off it by mid-June, I'll probably withdraw. I just am too much of a planner to change schools in August.

Also, I was put on "Provisional List" at Notre Dame. The only way I'd choose them over Georgetown is with money, so I'll probably withdraw.

Monday, March 10

Another School!

So I got an email from Washington University on Friday, I was accepted! Whoo hoo! So far I have two good schools to choose from. It helps that I did not apply to one school I would be unhappy attending. (Hear that schools? Please let me in!)

Tuesday, March 4

Dear Minnesota: Why?

So, I was put on "hold" at Minnesota over the weekend. That's basically saying "you're good enough to not reject you, but we're going to see if something better comes along." It's pretty mean, if you ask me.

As a side note, on a law forum I visit, someone was saying that the LSAC should limit applications to ten per applicant. Something about it being wrong for auto admits at NYU to apply to Georgetown just as leverage for more money at NYU. He was upset if forces people in G'town's target range onto the waitlist at first. Well, why not? If they're good enough to be an auto admit at NYU, they probably deserve more money. Then I looked at his stats. 170, 3.1. I'm guessing he was WL'd at Georgetown. Which, as an admit who sent out 18 applications, makes me a little happy inside. Should it? Probably not. But I don't think that he had a problem with the system before he was WL'd.