Saturday, November 27


Two weeks from today I will have already taken two finals. That frightens me. And I need to keep making progress on my negotiation and my paper. This semester went veeeeeerrrrrrry slooooowwwlllly in the beginning and nowisgoingcrazyfast.

Friday, November 12


I just spent 30 minutes fixing 9 stitches. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 9

November what?

The 9th. That is today. Whew. OK, a few things. 1. I didn't like chrome. There were some things I really liked about it, but believe it or not it didn't play nice with my gmail and it was driving me crazy since I have that open pretty much the entire time I'm on the internet.

2. Where is this semester going? If you find some spare days laying around, let me know. I'd be interested in purchasing your surplus.

3. I'm really getting irritated with people right now. There are a few people who I just want to say "not now" to and let them know I'm kinda at the end of my rope. So just so you know world, I'm not really in the mood. I probably won't be until after finals either.

4. I'm going to see the Nutcracker here in DC again. If you're in town, check it out. It's really cool. They set it in DC instead of Germany and it's really neat. Pretty interesting to see the songs in a new light.

5. I gotta go. This stupid research paper is not going to write itself, no matter how much I beg.

Wednesday, November 3

Attention Life

How is it November already? Please slow down. I have a lot to do. Thanks.