Wednesday, November 28

Essays and stuff

So, I sent my (crappy-craptastic) essay ideas to my adviser. It took me FOREVER to get them in to him, but I hate writing about myself. It's kinda why I need help. So there you go.

I also mailed out my letter of recommendation requests (one yesterday, one today). For most schools, I'll be fine, but I like to have room to move, and UW's application is January 15. My one consolation is that they have on their website "up to two" letters accepted, giving me hope that if one recommender is exceedingly slow, I can get another one for my other schools, but it won't affect UW's application.

By the way, can anyone explain to me why UW's due date is so early? It's way before any of the other schools I'm applying to. Most are in February or March. Like I needed more stress. Especially frustrating: They're the one school I need to apply to. I already went there, they're local, here's where I want to practice, I need to apply to UW. I have to. So why is that the one that's so early? Answer: the universe hates me. Awesome.

All right, I have to go figure out Dean's Certifications now.

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