Saturday, June 30

I don't know what I expected

171. It came today. 171. That's only two points better than last time. But I don't know what I thought it would be. I'm just going to have to OWN my personal statement if I want to get into the best school possible. As a splitter, I must wow them with my other stuff.

The conversion chart was, to put it bluntly, insane. Minus ten gave you a 168. That's the harshest scale I've seen. That's insane. I only missed seven and I got a 171. Usually minus 10 equals a 170 (on a more or less average basis.) This is ridiculous. I'm a little mad.

Friday, June 29

Still waiting

It's 8:30 and still no score. I'm...going...insane.

Make it stop, please.

Thursday, June 28

Suicide Watch

They didn't release the scores today. There is an entire community of desperate people out there who can't sleep tonight. It's horrible.


So I guess precedent dictates that our scores will come out today sometime. I'm a freak right now. I shouldn't be this way about something that 1) I have no control over and 2) I've already done once.

I don't think you understand how many times I've hit refresh already today. And it's only 9:04. This sucks. Hardcore.

Wednesday, June 27

I think...

that I might die. Scores don't come out until Friday. FRIDAY! And yet there I am, today, Wednesday, refreshing my email. Like an idiot.

Although I hear sometimes they come Thursday.

Sunday, June 24

Waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

At first, the wait wasn't too bad. "I already took it, so no worries! I'll welcome the break from law school stuff for awhile." But now? Geez. I'm going crazy. This test could change my target schools, my impossible-dream-but-try-anyway schools. And it's driving me insane not knowing. What if I bombed it? What if I aced it (not possible)?

It doesn't help that every time I go to TLS to see what people are saying about waitlists or what have you, someone's on there with "what do you think the scale will be?" "what time does the email come?" And like and idiot, I always read those threads. They never help my nerves, just make me think about the test more.


Thursday, June 21

I'm going crazy!


Thursday, June 14

Self-Destruction...or was it?

Yesterday I was lurking on some of the message boards on (tls) and some people were rehashing select questions. It was really unhealthy of me to be hanging out there, but I did. Well, I stumbled on a question they were discussing that it turns out I got wrong. And it was in the games section, which is usually my best. It was a stupid mistake that I shouldn't have made.
Part of me is so mad about it because now I'm freaking out about everything else that I thought I did right at the time.
But part of me is relieved. Even though you know it's completely implausible, you always secretly hope for a 180. Now that I know I can't really get one, I've been able to let go a little. But I can promise you that I haven't been looking at their LSAT question threads any more.

Tuesday, June 12


I took it. I feel it went ok. At least, I answered every question. I most likely (assuredly) didn't answer every one correctly, but I made it through each section, and double checked answers I was unsure of. So whatever happens, I know that I tried my best and it's probably the score I deserve.

They did kind of freak me out before I even started because I brought my driver's license for my photo id. Well, I got it 3 plus years ago when I was still signing my whole name. Yeah, my whole name? Kinda long. So awhile ago I just started putting my first initial and my last name. When I took the December LSAT, no one cared that the signatures didn't match. This time they decided they did. So I had to resign it so my signature would match my driver's license. The end result being that my admission slip has two signatures. Hopefully that won't be a problem and they don't call me in a week harassing me about it. At least my thumbprint is still the same.

The test was not that bad. I felt the logic games (analytical reasoning) section was easy. I like logic games, 99% of the time you KNOW you got it right, not "I think I picked the right answer. Maybe?" These ones, at least for me, were particularly enjoyable. I got to take a mini-power nap during that section.

The comparative reading wasn't that bad either. I thought [another passage] (to be inserted at a later date, when the LSAC can't get mad and put a note in my file that says "horrible person! do not let into law school!") was WAY harder.

My experimental section was one of the three Logical Reasoning. Those are my hardest sections, so having an extra one wasn't all that much fun. But it could've been worse I suppose.

I think one girl in my section got in trouble. After the writing section was over, one of the assistant proctors walked up to the main proctor with a writing sample, topic sheet and pencil in her hand. They whispered furiously and the end result was the writing sample in question was set aside from the stack of all our other writing samples and papercliped to a blue piece of paper. I think she kept writing past when time was called to finish her sentence or thought or what have you. Big no-no. She looked pissed. As in angry, not drunk. Just to clear the air there.

The part that kills me is I have to wait THREE WEEKS for my score. I knew I was in trouble when I'm still taking the test and in the middle of section four I found myself thinking "I wonder what my score is?" I wasn't even done with the test yet! I'm not going to make it!

Well, that's it for now I guess. I'll keep you updated as soon as I know anything.

Monday, June 11

I'm free!

But not really! I'm done with the test, though. Which, by the way, is awesome. I felt so much more calm and in control this time. I may get the same score, but at least I wasn't freaking out as much.
Well, more to come at a future date. For now, Kiwi and I are going to a celebratory dinner!

Oh, the wait will kill me!

Sunday, June 10

Last PrepTest

I just took my last preptest before tomorrow and got a 173. That's good (it's better than what I got last time), and I'll take it if I get it tomorrow. But hope springs eternal! I can't help but hope that a section of logical reasoning is extremely easy tomorrow, or that the comparative reading trips up everyone but me and throws the curve.
Will any of that happen? Probably not. But I can dream, can't I? ;)

PS You think I was a freak worrying about studying? Wait until you see me ever so patiently waiting for my score for three weeks.

Saturday, June 9

Still studying

I just finished the logical reasoning bible. ugh. So I'm going to eat and then take another preptest. I get the feeling the eating thing is going to last awhile. I'm a bit of a staller.

First Day of Blogging!

So, I've decided that this can be my law school blog. I'll just link everyone here and keep people up to date! I know the only people who will read this are KeeYoun and my mom, but that's ok. It's two days until my second LSAT on Monday. I'm on a break from studying before I tackle the new comparative reading samples the LSAC published. I really hope that I do better the second time around.

At any rate, this will be my update central. So welcome! I'll try to remember to put everything on here. Well, that's the plan anyway. Anyone who's seen the dates in my diary knows I have trouble with regular journaling.

Love to you all!