Friday, October 22

Time is flying dangerously fast

The semester is slipping away, as is the time until Christmas. That means my two time pressures, studying and Christmas knitting, are both getting greater and greater. Guess which one I would rather work on?

I've actually been doing OK keeping up with my classes. Not fantastic, but certainly better than last year. My knitting would be going much better if I would stop making myself things I want and start working on stuff for my family.

I also came to a somewhat tragic realization this week. I love buying variegated yarns. I love how the color changes from one to another in the skein and looks perfect just sitting there. But I like knitting with solid (or kettle dyed semi-solids) more. I like doing color work and stripes and cables and actually seeing what I've taken the time to knit. So I guess I need to start liking buying solids more. Or start liking color worked variegated. Or just keep buying yarn that's very "Oh, pretty!" but I'll never knit with.

PS I had a very lovely coworker (who I like actually do like a lot) ask me if I could knit her a hat today if she bought the yarn. It's not that I don't like knitting, or that hats aren't quick, but I've got enough to do on my plate as it is. If I find time to knit I want it to be something I can use, or someone in my family who are crazy awesome. I don't really have time to just be knitting on commission, as fun as that would be. So I offered that if she brought in yarn and needles, I would help her with it at work. She crochets a lot and knits some, so I wouldn't be teaching her to knit just knit in the round and help with this hat pattern. I thought that was a good compromise. I hope she didn't take it personally, but I just don't have the time right now.

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